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Featured Airlines


Premier Custom Travel offers airline tickets for both domestic and international travel on all the major airlines. Here are our policies concerning airline tickets booked through our company:

  • AIRLINE TICKETS ONLY: Since the airlines no longer pay commission to travel agencies on their tickets, we must include a 10% convenience charge on all "air only" bookings. The convenience charge will be included in your quote and billed as a separate charge when you purchase your flights.
  • AIRLINE TICKETS PURCHASED WITH ONE OF OUR VACATION PACKAGES: In most cases, we will waive the convenience charge on airline tickets when you book one of our vacation packages. In cases where we are unable to waive the convenience charge, it will be lowered to 5% when purchasing one of our vacation packages. Your Certified Travel Consultant will notify you prior to booking your vacation package if it is eligible for the waived or reduced convenience charge.
  • FAQ

    As mentioned above, the airlines no longer pay travel agencies commission on airline tickets. Commissions are the only way we make money and get paid for our work on your behalf. If we did not include a convenience charge for airline tickets, we would be essentially working for free.

    We never want to charge you more than the price of a product, but when it comes to airline tickets we unfortunately have no choice.

    Some travel agencies charge fees on all of their packages, and some will charge a planning fee just to price your vacation. Premier Custom Travel doesn't charge fees on any of our packages and our consultations are always complimentary as well. Our convenience charge on airline tickets isn't a fee, but rather a way for us to be paid for our services and time. We call it a convenience charge because you have the choice to book your airline tickets yourself or have us do it for you. We believe that everyone should be paid for their time in business and we believe our customers will understand this.

    We offer both economy and premium tickets (including business and first class) on all the major airlines for both domestic and international travel.

    There is a $50 per ticket fee on canceled bookings, in addition to any fees imposed by the airline. The remainder of the money paid will be credited to the named passengers as a future credit with that airline. Cancellation policies will follow the rules of the specific airline with which you booked.

    We glady accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. We do not accept cash or personal checks. All credit card payments must be paid by a card billed to a United States billing address. All transactions will be in US Dollars unless otherwise specified.

    You must present a valid government-issued ID (driver's license, etc.) to board a domestic flight. TSA does not require children under 18 to provide identification when traveling within the United States. For international flights, all passengers must present a valid passport.

    Premier Custom Travel strongly recommends that all travelers apply for or renew their passports as soon as possible. Government regulations are continually being modified and it is best to be prepared.

    For details on how to apply for or renew a passport, please visit our passport information page.

    Terms & conditions for air tickets booked through Premier Custom Travel: All sales are final after 24 hours. Customer is responsible for reviewing names on invoice and confirming accuracy. Misspelled names may result in the need to cancel & rebook at the current fare and may incur a change fee. Most fares must be purchased on the same day of booking. For voluntary exchanges, refunds, and name corrections, there is a $50 per person fee in addition to any airlines fees. For involuntary refunds, there is a $25 per person fee. Purchaser agrees to airline policies and ticket terms and conditions. Some tickets may not be eligible for cash or mileage upgrades. Minimum convenience charge is $25 per ticket. Charges may appear on your credit card statement as the name of the airline and/or "Pay for my Trip."

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