Travel Best Practices

With the Coronavirus in the news recently, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about travel. Is it safe? Will I get sick? We addressed some facts vs. fiction regarding the virus in a previous post, but today we wanted to share some great travel tips that will help to make any vacation safer and better for both you and your fellow travelers.

Here are some “best practices” that every traveler should employ during their vacation:

Pack 14 days of extra medication — In the event of unexpected travel delays and emergencies, be sure to bring additional prescription medication for at least two weeks beyond the length of the trip. Also bring a list of the names, strengths and dosages of all medications in case refills are required. 

Provide Emergency Contact — It is critical that each traveler provides a validated emergency contact & phone number. Most suppliers (cruise lines, tour companies, etc.) will ask for this information prior to your departure. The emergency contact should not be traveling with you. Because these suppliers can always reach us at Premier Custom Travel, the emergency contact should be another personal connection.

Mobile phone instructions — You should enable an international travel plan inclusive of voice and data. Cell phones will not work the same in all countries without an international plan and Wi-Fi is not as available in many countries. An international plan will enable you to stay connected at a reasonable rate and ensure you can be contacted. Check with your carrier for specific rates and details, but most major cell phone companies have pro-rated plans that allow you to purchase by the day or by the week.

Purchase travel protection — It’s always a good idea to purchase a travel protection plan. People often focus on the cancellation part of the policy and since they do not plan to cancel the trip prior to departure, they waive the insurance. Remember that most policies not only cover cancellation, but also delays and medical coverage during the trip. Premier Custom Travel offers insurance through most of our vacation providers, plus we also work with Allianz to offer independent packages for those who wish to have additional coverage.

Practice healthy travel habits — According to the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the simplest and most effective way to prevent illness, is to take extra care to practice basic health habits, including: 

  • Washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
  • Taking advantage of hand sanitizer wherever it’s available
  • Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing using a tissue or your bent elbow. And always dispose of the used tissue and wash your hands afterwards 
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands 
  • Avoiding close contact with sick people