Cruise360 Day 2 Recap

Our two days of preparation for Cruise360 are almost done and the conference officially kicks off tomorrow. Here’s a look at the highlights of day two.

Today we spent most of the day recording more content for our new venture PCT Radio. By the end of the week, we expect to have a ton of material for future episodes. We’re very excited about this new feature on and hope you are too.

CLIA STARBoard meeting with CLIA President & CEO Cindy D’Aoust, VP Charlie Sylvia and more.

Around mid-day I (Chris) attended my quarterly STARBoard meeting. CLIA’s STARBoard is an agent advisory panel and I was very honored to be asked to be a part of it. I get to be one voice for thousands of agent members and help grow this fabulous industry. One big focus was the annual “Plan a Cruise Month” which is in October. There are some exciting things planned for this year including a big kick-off event locally that I can’t talk too much about now but will share more details about when I can.

After the meeting, Scott and I headed over to the convention center for early registration for the conference. We always like to check-in the day prior if possible so we can hit the ground running on the first official day. Our first event is at 9am tomorrow morning so getting all our materials and badges the day prior is very helpful.

Our last event of the day was an informal agent get-together at a local bar & restaurant. We’ve made some great friends over the course of our six previous Cruise360 conferences and it’s always fun to chat with other agents from around the US and all over the world.

Tomorrow, it starts for real and our updates will be even more detailed and informative. We have several classes in the morning and cruise line updates all afternoon.

Stay tuned and thanks for following!