Introducing Crystal Air Cruises


From the World’s Most Awarded Luxury Cruise Line™ comes an unrivalled new manner of global exploration — Crystal AirCruises™, a fascinating collection of 15- to 29-day all-inclusive journeys around the world by private jet.

Created especially for the most sophisticated clientele, the newest Crystal Experience™ takes flight in August 2017 with The Peninsula Grand Inaugural Crystal AirCruise, one of six unique journeys visiting as many as 10 iconic destinations on a single AirCruise. An ideal holiday for mobile CEOs and experience collectors, guests will travel aboard our privately owned, customized Boeing 777 — the newest and most spacious private tour jet, and the only one with Crystal Skye Butlers and expansive spaces for dining and socializing.


On journeys to lands both exotic and remote, you will stay for as many as three days at the world’s finest hotels, resorts and eco-villages, enjoying another Crystal AirCruise exclusive: the opportunity to design your own unstructured itinerary in each locale with a bespoke collection of inclusive, interchangeable destination experiences, each offering privileged access to places of cultural significance, invitations to dine at Michelin starred-restaurants, and rare opportunity for authentic, individualized discovery.

Contact Premier Custom Travel today for more information on this exciting new luxury travel option. You may reach us at (281) 301-5818, toll-free at (800) 304-6789 or via e-mail at