#PCTImpact: Night Four Recap


Today was an unforgettable day that touched over 150 people, not to mention the six of us on this amazing journey.


After breakfast, a group of 25 people, including all six PCT travelers, left the Adonia and our berth in Amber Cove for the Wine to Water factory, where we would spend the day making water filters out of clay. This may sound like an inconsequential task, but each filter allows a family of around 5-6 people to enjoy potable water and use their money to purchase other necessities instead of bottled water. Water-borne parasites are the cause of many illnesses in the Dominican Republic and around the world, making both adults and children ill, keeping the kids out of school and sadly killing a child every 19 seconds. Our filters are changing those statistics for the better.


We first toured the factory, learning about each step in the process and how the filters actually work. Then, it was time for all of us to try our hand at each station. We donned masks and safety glasses and ground up wood into sawdust and sifted the various ingredients. We helped empty the kiln and sort the recently fired filters so they can be quality tested. We also each worked the clay and made our very own filter that would later be delivered to a local family. It was hard work in very hot conditions but the end of the day made it all worthwhile.


First, we were told that our group produced the most filters made in one day by fathom travelers. That itself was a proud moment for us. We made 30 filters, with each helping an average five or six people. That means that our work over a few short hours touched over 150 people. Then, we really got a taste of the reality of the situation.


We loaded up our motor coach with filters and drove to a small village not too far from the cruise terminal. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the mayor, who it turns out was one of the recipients of a filter. Three other families in that area received filters today, including a 15-year-old who is eight months pregnant. Thanks to this innovative filter, her soon-to-be-born baby will never have to settle for contaminated, yellow water. And his or her mom will now have extra money to spend on diapers or formula since the water filter will allow the family to stop buying bottled water in large quantities. Today’s lucky people were the first four in this new area to receive filters but more are coming to their village shortly.

There wasn’t a dry eye to be found as we said goodbye to the villagers who received filters and headed back to the ship. We spent an hour or so enjoying the pool and water slides at Amber Cove before heading back onboard for a delicious dinner and some much-needed rest.

We’re back at it again tomorrow with a morning of impact work followed by an afternoon tour of the island.

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