Why Use a Travel Agent? Some Stats to Consider

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I’m proud to be a member of ASTA – the American Society of Travel Agents and I appreciate the hard work they do on our behalf. One of their key goals is to make sure travelers book with an agent instead of directly with a supplier or online. And in a recent press release, they made some great arguments for working with a travel agent. Here are excerpts from that release:

Alexandria, VA, May 2, 2016 – New research from The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) proves that travel agents save consumers time and money. Consumers report that travel agents save them an average $452 per trip, and four hours in travel planning. Perhaps most importantly, consumers said that agents help them avoid costly mistakes. The independent study, “Best of Both Worlds: Quantifying How Travel Agents Save Consumers Time and Money,” was funded by Carnival Corporation and conducted by market research firm TNS Global.

“We couldn’t hold back the good news, and that is that travel agent usage is at its highest level since we began commissioning independent consumer research three years ago. At this point, consumers have tried it all. They’ve booked online, they’ve gone direct, and they’ve used a travel agent. This study dispels the myth that booking direct with suppliers or spending hours online yourself gets you a better deal, or gives you a happier travel experience. Consumers told TNS Global that if you want a better travel experience, use an agent,” said ASTA President and CEO Zane Kerby.

Key preliminary findings in the ASTA survey include:

  • When looking back on their past travel experiences, almost two-thirds (63%) said using an agent makes their overall trip experience better; 69% reported that agents save them time in planning and booking; 66% said agents help them avoid costly mistakes, and 64% say agents find the better deals.
  • Travel agents lead other booking channels in selling river cruises, and tie online suppliers for selling ocean cruises and tour packages. Agents also scored well for selling all-inclusive resorts and travel insurance, nearly tying with online suppliers.

Whether you use Premier Custom Travel or another agency, I strongly encourage you to use a qualified travel agent for all of your vacation needs. You’ll thank me later.