Recipe: Handmade Limoncello


Italy’s delightful drink, limoncello, infuses sun-kissed lemons into alcohol and sugar, warming the soul with every sip. It is easy to prepare, makes great gifts and can provide a welcome spark of freshness year-round as an after-dinner drink or dessert accompaniment. Should you prefer it sweeter, just add a bit more sugar. Here’s how to make the perfect glass, courtesy of our friends at Viking River Cruises.

7 lemons (Sorrento variety if available)
1 qt (1 l) unflavored grain alcohol* (highest proof available)
3 C (700 g) granulated sugar
1 qt (1 l) water


Peel only the yellow part of the lemon in long strips; be careful not to include the white rind, as it tastes bitter. Place peel and alcohol into a 2-qt (2-l) covered jar, and leave at room temperature to infuse at least 2 or up to 7 days. The higher proof the alcohol, the faster and more concentrated the infusion.
When the infusion has sufficient lemon flavor (taste to test), strain mixture through cheesecloth; set aside. Place sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly until sugar is completely dissolved; cool to room temperature. Combine syrup and alcohol infusion, stirring well to combine.
Store limoncello in sealed glass bottles; it is now ready to drink. This liqueur will keep for one to two years in a cool place like a pantry; or, keep refrigerated or in the freezer and serve chilled (the high alcohol content will keep it from freezing).


Serve chilled in small aperitif glasses after a meal or with dessert.

Prep time: Allow about 1 hour total, with 2-7 days to infuse.

Makes 32 servings.

*If you cannot find grain alcohol, vodka can be substituted.